Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Suspicious Box Truck on Greany Drive!

This morning (Tuesday, September 16th) at approximately 3:07 AM, we were awoken by the sound of a large vehicle idling outside of our house. I could faintly hear voices outside of the house but didn't get out of bed thinking it was probably just a neighbor coming back from a fun night out. After several minutes, I heard the sound of vehicle doors slamming shut and the heavy acceleration of a truck. At this point, I jumped out of bed and ran to the bedroom window to see a white box truck (similar to the above picture) travelling down the street. Thinking the worst, I ran down the stairs and checked the house and garage but nothing seemed to be out of place. It was probably nothing, but I thought I should post this on the blog in case somebody on the street believes they were robbed this morning. My apologies if this truck belongs to you and was on Greany Drive for legit purposes.

- Andrew

1 comment:

Lynne said...


We did manage to get an ad in the Grafton News for a yard sale, so we will be having one this Saturday. We will open early and will not be doing Sunday. Heather, drop by......
